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Referral Maker Marketing

What's your marketing strategy?

According to NAR, 35% of REALTORS spent over $1,000 on marketing in 2012.* Marketing for many real estate agents includes billboards, advertisements on park benches, flyers sent to strangers, and spam campaigns sent from other Real Estate CRM Software. While these are sure to get an agent noticed, they often don’t translate into a reliable stream of leads.

An effective marketing strategy is essential for generating leads, and a great way to generate reliable leads is through working by referral. Although a billboard or bench with your name and image may get a passing glance, a referral from a trusted friend or family member carries the most weight with consumers.

*NAR 2013 Member Profile

Take your marketing to the next level

When you become a Referral Maker Pro Member, you will have access to a proven multi-channel marketing system that includes:

Professional Marketing Flyers

The monthly marketing flyers are designed to reinforce your competence and character through research from leading industry organizations, experts, news agencies and our own data. Each month's flyer is professionally researched, written and designed, and the featured information is current, topical and on the minds of many of your clients. Best of all, the pieces are fun to look at and are easily sharable, reinforcing our referral model and creating reliable leads for your business.

The power of personalization

Expand your reach and personalize your marketing flyers. Clients are sure to share these pieces with their family and friends so make sure they know who sent it. By including your name and information on the piece, along with a current listing or value-added service from a business you work with, you can grow your sphere of influence exponentially.

Note cards

Follow up with your best clients with a personal note. Designed to offer inspirational wisdom and complement the monthly marketing materials, these blank note cards provide an opportunity to write a message of thanks, say "hello," or reconnect with past clients. Each monthly kit contains two packs of 25 note cards.


Remind your clients that you're "never too busy for their referrals" with a sticker that says so. Each kit contains 108 stickers that you can use to seal the envelope containing your monthly marketing flyer or personal note, secure your business card to the inside of a personal note or stick to a Pop-By item. The options are endless.

Live Webcast

Gain access to Brian Buffini’s exclusive monthly Members training webcasts! Every kit contains the current month’s webcast so you can hear Brian’s advice, tips and words of wisdom again, or you can share it with your fellow agents or loved ones. If you missed the live broadcast, listen to the CD, or scan the QR code on the label to watch the webcast on your smartphone or tablet to view it whenever and wherever you want.

Letters and email library

A professionally written cover letter accompanies each marketing flyer and is accessible in your Referral Maker® CRM Real Estate CRM Software. Whether you want to send the letter that corresponds with the monthly marketing flyers or you want to reconnect with a former client, we have a variety of letters to match the sentiment you wish to convey in order to reinforce your marketing campaign.

Integrated email marketing campaigns

Creating an email marketing campaign has never been easier. Email is one of the easiest ways for your clients to respond; all they have to do is hit "reply" to ask you a question or say "hello."

eReport Email Campaign

Referral Maker® CRM integrates the eReport, an email marketing campaign with professionally designed emails created to complement your marketing flyer.

Bonus Marketing Materials

We'll help you take your marketing to the next level with our Bonus Marketing Materials, free with your paid Membership.

Complete Home
Marketing Plan

Supercharge your listing presentations with this piece, which is designed and assembled to help you showcase your expertise and skills as an agent.

Brian Buffini's
Real Estate Repor

Filled with current national statistics, this well-designed piece will arm you with the knowledge to be the real estate expert your clients need.

Pop-By tags library

Our creative team designed clever, print-ready tags for every Pop-By occasion. Just print and affix to your Pop-By!

One-click Referral Intelligent Marketing

Boost your productivity and work smarter! Referral Maker® CRM improves the efficiency of sending your marketing materials each month, freeing up more time to spend with your best clients. With a click of the mouse, you can do a mail merge, send eReports, print personalized cover letters and much more, directly from your Real Estate CRM Software.

Never forget an important date again!

The Referral Maker® CRM features automatic purchase/sale anniversary reminders and birthday reminders to give you the perfect opportunity to Pop-By to your client with a small gift or send a personal note commemorating the occasion.

Built-in campaigns

Select one of Referral Maker® CRM's built-in marketing campaigns and see your referrals increase.


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